Su always knew that she was meant to be a teacher and she purposely strove towards achieving this goal.
Her students loved her. She had the ability to deliver her subject with compassion. Enthusiasm rubs off. She was engaged and engaging. Everything a teacher should be.
Su’s subject was history.
When studying the curriculum options Su always chose one topic. It was her speciality. It was one which she had fervour for and it showed in her lessons. That was why her students loved these particular talks. There was genuine interest, and it showed.
She had a passion for it.
However, if the students lined up to talk to her, the other teachers did not. It was her own doing. Su isolated herself. After all these years Su still ate her lunch by herself.
These days she made her own packed lunches.
She did however, follow her mother’s recipes. That was another reason why she was isolated, her reason why she was isolated. The other staff boycotted her.
Boycotted the smell.
The map she showed the children was predominantly pink. That was the lay of the land.
This was her specialist subject. This was the essence of her enthusiasm. She regaled story after story about the British Empire.
Parents thought it was great when their children came home with tales of their history lessons. If truth be known, few listened to the ramblings of their offspring.
They were happy as long as they were contented.
Reginald had always regretted when he was born. He had wanted to be a soldier but unfortunately for him, there was no war to be had during his lifetime so there was no point (in his mind) in signing up. Maybe his son Anthony would be luckier.
Reginald knew everything about wars. He knew everything from reading books. He would espouse his beliefs to anyone who cared to listen, although most people did not. No-one listened to him as Reginal did not listen to his son Anthony. He just knew that Anthony was studying about the extent of British Rule, so that must be a good thing.
When Anthony insisted on leaving the scouts, his parents were befuddled. Everyone grows out of things but they, and especially Reginald, had thought that the scouts provided a good grounding for life.
Although they rarely questioned Anthony about anything (they did have their own lives to live) they did question him about this apparent turn of face. He had always loved the scouts – and it kept him out of the house for hours.
Anthony mentioned a few words about the institution, stating that it represented everything British. Reginald agreed. He was however astonished at the labels his son associated with his beloved nation:
Slave owners
Reginald had assumed that his son would follow in his ways and his beliefs. He believed he was the most influential person in Anthony’s life. If he had only listened, he would have known that he was not.
Anthony refused to return to the scouts. He boycotted them and their ways.
Su had taught her pupils well. It was a lesson she had learnt by sitting alone in the school canteen, eating her mother’s food, listening to the others mocking her mother.
Sunita Patel hated British people.