He was her best client and he was her favourite client. Mark had always been her favourite.
They had never slept together. They had never had sex. It was not part of the deal but Jane knew that some of the other girls made cash on the side with additional favours. She knew that was what Mark wanted but she would never give herself to him and therefore he found her more enticing. In his mind it was just a matter of time so he plied her with more and more attention. In her mind the time for any action had passed.
Years ago.
Jane would not demean herself, because, in her heart, she knew that he did not want her – he only wanted what she appeared to be.
Her persona.
The wig was always the last stage of the preparations. It was then that the character was formed. All the other girls chose provocative names except for her. Her stage name was:
The manager had tried countless times to persuade her to change it to something more glamourous, but despite his imploring, Jane was resolute. As she was the most popular of the burlesque acts, the manager decided not to push the issue too hard.
It was always done in the same order. It was a ritual, a routine that decided Jane, that defined Janet Jones. Costume, face, lipstick and then wig. Only when the wig was on would the transformation, the illusion, become complete.
From Jane to Janet.
Jane would be complete in herself.
From Jane to Janet.
Jane would be the woman she always was.
Mark had been married to Elaine for eleven years. They had lost two children to miscarriages. In spite of himself, and despite his own knowledge of his intelligence, he could not help but consider that it was her fault. Elaine was not a complete woman.
Unfortunately, it was Elaine who had to deal with this fact every day, every waking moment. She never really got over it.
Mark just moved on in search of a complete woman.
Mark moved on to other entertainment. It was there that he was smitten. He thought it was the only time he had been in love.
Mark loved Janet.
Unfortunately for Mark his love for Janet would never be reciprocated. That was part of the act. It was the theatre that Jane had created. She was just doing her job.
Jane had always loved Mark but it was Janet that he loved. They were not on the same page.
It started with an internet request, a social media link. When Elaine was at her WI meeting, Mark was meeting someone else. It was exciting. It was glamourous, she was glamourous. A real woman. Mark had never met anyone like her before.
But of course, he had.
The second time it started with an internet request, a social media link. When Elaine was visiting her mother, Mark was visiting someone else. He just wanted someone to distract him. Nothing more. He already had excitement in his life but it was unfulfilled.
This time the women proved not to be a distraction. In fact, she did not interest him in the slightest. The problem with the meeting was he could not hide his disappointment and, if truth be known, he did not even try to and made a hasty exit.
She was unattractive and boring.
A plain Jane.
When Janet gave him encouragement that night, Mark finally thought that his luck was in.
It was not.
Beneath the wig was lank hair …
… and a knife.