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Twinkle Twinkle











Up Above the Moon so High








What do we aspire to?  What is our ultimate goal?






Contentment is the hardest thing in life to achieve.  It is what everyone, without realising it, strives for.


Few achieve it.


However, he was content.  He, and his brothers, did not have any cares or needs.  There was nothing expected of them.  Their desires did not need feeding.  So, year after year after year after year he was contented.  He did not know the meaning of time.  He just was content and did not want to be disturbed in his contentment.   He and all his brothers.






One day there was a disturbance.  His world was shaken.


The earth moved.


He, and his brothers were separated.  His brothers loved it, loved the attention.  They sparkled.


He did not love it.


He did not like the attention.   He did not want to sparkle.


He wanted to remain.














He was half the man he was before.  Now there were two of them.  Separated yet put together.  Inseparable.


He was torn in two.




It cut him to pieces.




He had never considered how he looked.  There was not light to see how he looked.  In his opinion he was just the same as all the others.  He was the same, and that was how he wanted it.  The last thing he desired was to be different and the last thing he desired was to be desired.


However, they wanted him to look different.  They cut him and rubbed him.  They cut him in two.  He now had a split personality.


Now he was stunning.  Now he was sparkling.  Now he would be admired.  That was the intention.  The purpose was to make people look at him, in the daylight.  There would be no cutting remarks.


It was everything he did not desire.


He just wanted to be who he was before.


Unnoticed and …











In the Sky



Instead of being underground and unseen he was raised on high.




On top of a mountain to him.  It was a throne that he - no – that both (because there were now two of them) did not aspire to.  Everest did not beckon him/them.


He missed the security of the earth where everyone was the same.  The dark, the depth, below ground – safe and secure.  Surrounded by the others, who had also now departed.  People end their lives underground but this was where his had started.  All of his brothers had gone their separate ways.


Just as he had been separated from himself.


He was now two.


He never felt so alone.


All the brothers had been uplifted and applauded; eyes welcoming them.


He just wanted to be left alone.  But he would never be alone now that there was two of them.


He just wanted to be left alone in his contentment.  That however, would never be his world again.  He had been removed from in it – forcibly. 


They were clasped together and paraded in front of strangers.  The intention was admiration and admiration was what they received.


He only wanted.








Best Friend



Some people do not believe in God.  Some people do not believe in love at first sight.  Roger had misgivings about the former but blatantly dismissed the latter. 


It was like walking on the road to Damascus.  One minute you are a disbeliever and the next …


…Roger had not found God; he had found Lucy.


In that instant he was converted.  The problem was only that he had to convert her.  It was the mountain he had to climb, his own personal Everest that beckoned.


Climbing mountains is about perseverance.  Perseverance is the need to reach the top – to attain what everyone desires.












Roger did not purchase a solitaire as was the fashionable thing to do because, for him, the imagery should not resemble being alone.  Roger had never bought jewellery before, let alone a ring, a special ring.  All he knew was that it had to be special.


The sales assistant was getting impatient.  It was nearly closing time and he was tired and incredibly hungry.  All he could think of was the fried chicken he would get on his way home.  He had showed Roger nearly every single ring in the store.


Roger did not want a single ring.


No solitaire, just as he did not want solitude.



So, when Roger saw it, he knew.  There were two together, like himself and Lucy.


Two stones.





Roger presented Lucy with his choice with trepidation, hoping that she would love it.


Lucy loved it and loved the ring with two stones – identical.


Mounted together.  Made for each other as she considered herself and Roger to be.


Existing alongside one another and never parted.


Two stones.





















“A Double Diamond works Wonders”.







The Stone that had a Soul



He missed the dark, the depth, being below ground – being safe and secure, being unnoticed and simply being one.


He never wanted to sparkle.  Now they sparkled, because forever there would be two of them.


However, the main sparkle that day did not come from him or them.


It came from Lucy’s eyes.


So, he felt what he had thought he never would feel again.













What we all aspire to.





“A diamond is just a lump of coal that stuck to its job”.



Leonardo da Vinci

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